The color of urine can range from the subtle hue of chrysanthemum tea to pale ale, presenting various shades of yellow, and sometimes even light orange if hydration is lacking.
Urine gets its color from urochrome, a pigment formed by the breakdown of hemoglobin, the protein found in red blood cells, which is then filtered out of the bloodstream by the kidneys.
These vital organs, each about the size of a fist, play a crucial role in filtering 114 to 142 liters of blood per day, producing approximately 1 to 2 liters of urine. The waste and excess water are transported via ureters, tiny tubes connecting the kidneys to the bladder, which can hold up to two cups of urine. Sphincter muscles around the bladder’s opening prevent leakage until one is ready to relieve themselves.
The process of urination begins with bladder nerves signaling to the brain that it’s time to go. The bladder then contracts, pushing urine through the urethra, while the brain instructs the urinary sphincter muscles to relax, allowing urine to pass.
However, the appearance of unusual colors in urine can indicate various conditions.
Neon Yellow or Orange Urine
Excessive B vitamin intake, notably B2 and B12, can cause urine to appear neon yellow, while orange urine may result from consuming too many carrots, certain antibiotics, painkillers for UTIs, or specific medications.
Red or Pink Urine
Food like beetroot can cause reddish or pinkish urine due to betanin, a harmless substance. However, it could also indicate blood, possibly from an enlarged prostate or kidney stones, which may not always be accompanied by pain.
Blue or Green Urine
Consuming brightly colored food dye or medications like methylene blue can turn urine blue or green. Additionally, pseudomonas bacteria from UTIs can cause green urine.
Brown Urine
Cola-colored urine may signal a genetic disorder called G6PD deficiency or result from medications, intense exercise leading to rhabdomyolysis, or even UTIs.
Cloudy Urine
are a common cause of cloudy urine, often due to the presence of pus, blood, or white blood cells attempting to eliminate bacteria from the urinary tract.