With the increasing prevalence of scams using local numbers in Singapore, the decision to answer calls from unknown numbers becomes fraught with caution. While new legislation aims to curb the misuse of SIM cards for fraudulent activities, particularly in job and e-commerce scams, the issue persists, fueled by fraudsters leveraging social media platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram. These platforms, designed for seamless user acquisition and growth, often lack stringent identity verification measures, allowing scammers to operate with anonymity. Despite the detrimental impact on users, the platforms prioritize user acquisition and ease of access over stringent authentication processes, highlighting a conflict between security measures and business objectives.


Are e-commerce platforms equally susceptible to scams? While many enforce phone number authentication for seller accounts, the effectiveness varies across different platforms. The Ministry of Home Affairs’ E-Commerce marketplace Transaction Safety Ratings initiative aims to highlight shortcomings but lacks enforcement power, offering advice instead. Consequently, consumers can still shop freely despite potential risks. However, focusing solely on intermediaries in the scam chain overlooks broader identity issues. SIM card regulations, while important, are just one hurdle for scammers, who adapt to new avenues. Curbing illicit number usage may push scammers to platforms with laxer checks, perpetuating the chase for solutions.


One significant area where the new legislation should have an impact is in combating scams that use local numbers for direct interactions with their victims. These include phishing calls from fake Singaporean companies or agencies and unofficial links in suspicious SMS messages.

Unfortunately, this threat is persistent. The Singapore Police Force and the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) have noted an increase in the misuse of SIM cards purchased by locals for scams. In 2023, over 23,000 local mobile lines were implicated in cybercrimes.

If digital accounts and communications remain untethered to identity, illicit online transactions will continue to be difficult to trace. However, it is not as simple as regulators mandating companies to implement more stringent checks or shutting down operations.

Global tech giants hold significant influence in the markets they operate in, with many users relying on them for legitimate business and personal activities. Regulators must carefully balance business interests with public protection when considering mandates for change.